Saturday, November 17, 2007

Birthday Supper for Emerson & Macie

We felt pretty bad not having "real" parties for Emerson & Macie, so we had a dinner in their honor on the Saturday between their birthdays. We don't know many people with kids, and the ones we do know, couldn't come, so we pretty much had a dinner for adults and they brought presents over for our kids! Anyway, we had a "Mexican Fiesta" of sorts, since Emerson requested cheese chips and tacos for her birthday food. I had originally planned on grilling, but it's a good thing we didn't, because while I was grilling the flank stead for fajitas, the grill ran out of propane! So, on to plan "B"......I'll try to finish the meat in the broiler.....yeah, right! I almost burnt the house down. Even though the fajitas were a little on the rare side, there was enough food that every one had a good time and even got to eat seconds.

and opening presents!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Words for Halloween pictures

I don't know why, but when I posted the previous pictures (from Halloween night), the website wouldn't let me write my blog entry. So, after many attempts to correct it, I gave up and just posted the pictures. As you can see from the preview to Halloween, Emerson dressed as Ariel, and Macie was an Octopus. We went to a church for their harvest festival, or "Hallelujah Night", as they called it. It was nice, but a bit crowded because it was pouring down rain outside, the first big, constant rain we had since we moved here! Everybody said it ALWAYS rains on weird! Anyway, we were all able to participate in the festivities this year. No one was giving birth or anything like that! And, because it was about 85 degrees at 8 pm, Macie was ready to shed her octopus skin and go trick-or-treating in her diaper by the end of the night!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Halloween Preview

Here are pics from the fashion show we had before Mom and dad left. They (Mom mostly) wanted to see the girls in their halloween costumes. In case you can't tell, Emerson is Ariel and Macie is an octopus. A very cute, but very hot octopus! You can see just how hot when I post the pics from actual Halloween night.....pretty funny!

Macie's First Birthday!

We celebrated Macie's first birthday a little early, so Mimi & PopPop could enjoy the festivities. Macie's real birthday is on Halloween, and that was just a crazy night, so it's a good thing we took care of birthday fun before the real day!