Emerson was really excited about coloring eggs this year. She did a really good job, and only a couple of eggs got broken. Next year will probably be a different story because Miss Macie will likely be involved!

Easter Sunday. I FINALLY finished Emerson's ladybug dress just in time for Easter. I didn't intend for it to be her Easter dress, especially since I cut it out last January before we moved! I just happened to finish it right before Easter, and since I didn't find anything that I liked any better, let her wear it! We also dressed Macie up in her dress, but couldn't let her go to church because she was getting over the Chicken Pox! (It was a really mild case, so she never really felt bad, we just had to quarantine her until all the pox were crusted/gone....you moms know the drill!) Anyway we had to get pics of both girls because they both looked sooooo cute!

While Eric and Emerson went to church, Macie and I stayed home and cooked Easter Dinner. She happened upon a Recee's Peanut Butter Egg (that I thought I had picked up), unwrapped it, and proceeded to take a big ole' bite out of the end of it! I think she liked it, because after I strapped her in her highchair to finish, there wasn't a whole lot to clean up!