Okay, I'm sure a lot of ya'll are wondering if we fell off the face of the Earth....well, no, we didn't, we (I) have just become very lazy and didn't post a whole lot in the month of April. Okay, well, not at all. SORRY!! One reason, excuse, whatever you wish to call it, is that we purchased a new camera, and Eric didn't have a chance to download the software until a few days ago. Soooooo, what follows are some of the most recent things we have done around here. I have been trying to get a video clip of Emerson singing in church, but I think it's too big....the computer just kind of freezes after a while and doesn't do anything. We were so proud of her...she sang and did the motions and everything....too cute!
And, I took Macie in for her 18 month well-baby check up today. How in the world is that possible? I have no idea. For all you LOST fans out there, I am really starting to believe that there is some sort of space-time continuum, or whatever the guy on LOST keeps talking about when the people seem to lose time.....it must be an island thing. As far as I can tell, Island time flies by, isn't slow like I thought it would be! Where has the time gone?
Anyway, I hope you enjoy seeing pics of the girls. You can kind-of see Em's new haircut in some of them. I can't find the pics from the day she got it cut, and Eric is asleep right now, so I don't dare wake him up!. We were inspired by Aubree's haircut! She gets soooo many comments on it--even when it doesn't look so cute! Thanks for being such a trend-setter Aubree!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Emerson's first hula performance
Here is a little clip of Emerson's first hula "performance." The preschool she goes to offers a hula class once a week, where the kids learn all about the history of hula and it's importance to the culture of Hawaii, not just a dance routine. The kids showed us some of their other moves, but this was the one clip that most resembled "hula" that most people would recognize. (And, the class only started in January, and didn't meet for several weeks, so they are all very much beginners!)
Hawaii Children's Discovery Museum
Eric was able to be a chaperone for one of Emerson's field trips recently. They went to the Hawaii Children's Discovery Museum, which apparently is a great place to take the kids. I haven't been yet, but Eric said the kids had a blast. Maybe we can all go one day!

Eric had charge of Emerson and another little girl named Mandy. Here they are sailing away! And being very safety conscious, wearing their life jackets!

Here is some of Emerson's classmates and one of her teachers before they all went inside the museum.

Eric had charge of Emerson and another little girl named Mandy. Here they are sailing away! And being very safety conscious, wearing their life jackets!

I think this is the grocery part of the museum. The kids can take turns shopping, and running the register and checking out the groceries....lots of hands on experience!

One area of interest for my two family members was the theater area.......I don't think I have to say anything else!

Hawaiian Waters Adventure park
We tested out the water park here on Oahu a couple of weekends ago and had a BLAST!! It was so much fun watching the girls have so much fun! We went with our new friends James and Beth and just wore ourselves out! The fun wasn't all for the kids, though, the adults were able to sneak away and get a few rides on the big slides.

When we finally took a break to eat lunch, Macie discovered how much fun it is to dip your fries in ranch dressing and ketchup! Here is a shot of her with her ketchup mouth!

Remember I said the kids didn't have all the fun? The big splash on the left is Eric, and coming in second place is James, on the right. Why they think riding down the Wedgie slide is so much fun I'll NEVER know!

And finally, here is Emerson coming to a stop at the bottom of the slide after going down all by herself! At first she wouldn't go down unless she was sitting in one of our laps, but after a couple of times, she was going up and down, up and down....we couldn't hardly keep up with her! She had a blast!
Here's Macie going down one of the little slides. She wasn't scared of the slides at all....when she'd get to the bottom, she'd turn around and say "gin...gin" and try to climb up the slide!

When we finally took a break to eat lunch, Macie discovered how much fun it is to dip your fries in ranch dressing and ketchup! Here is a shot of her with her ketchup mouth!

Remember I said the kids didn't have all the fun? The big splash on the left is Eric, and coming in second place is James, on the right. Why they think riding down the Wedgie slide is so much fun I'll NEVER know!

And finally, here is Emerson coming to a stop at the bottom of the slide after going down all by herself! At first she wouldn't go down unless she was sitting in one of our laps, but after a couple of times, she was going up and down, up and down....we couldn't hardly keep up with her! She had a blast!

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