Not a whole lot is going on with us this month. Emerson is continuing to like school. She really amazes me with everything she is learning (the pledge of allegiance, America the Beautiful) every day. She is a little under the weather this week, though. We found out on Friday that she has pneumonia....who would have thought you could get that where the weather is so nice all time? She is feeling much better now, just has a cough that she's having trouble getting rid of.
I started working nights at the beginning of the month. I just finished my 2nd week this morning and am fighting to stay awake as long as I can, hoping I can sleep well tonight. I didn't adjust very well last week, so hopefully this week will be better.
Eric is trying to train for a marathon. He ran 8 miles tonight. He usually feels pretty good after he runs, but he is starting to have problems with his foot that has not been operated on....looks like he may have an operation to fix his right foot sometime after the first of the year.
Macie is learning new things everyday. Dawn (her childcare provider) is teaching the little ones the alphabet, and last week's letter was A. She kept saying ah, ah, apple! So cute! And she made some really cute crafts too!
That's about it for us for now. Aloha!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Macie's new tricks.....
Why are almost-2-year olds so funny? I don't know either, but just look at what Miss Macie has been up to lately!
update: we decided it was probably better not to post naked bath shots of our 2 year old on the computer....if you haven't seen the video and want to, please email us and we'd love to share with you!!
update: we decided it was probably better not to post naked bath shots of our 2 year old on the computer....if you haven't seen the video and want to, please email us and we'd love to share with you!!
Mainland Visitors
We were so lucky to have our good friends from Oklahoma come visit us in August. Damon, Joanna, Brodie, & Layla came to see us for a few days before heading to the Big Island to enjoy time with Joanna's parents. We had such a good time, and the older kids had so much fun playing with each other. The little girls, however, either stared at each other or were yelling about who took who's toy (usually Macie doing the majority of the screaming!). Even though we shared waaaay more germs with each other than we wanted to (thanks to a nasty stomach bug that seems to attack every visitor we have from the mainland), I think a good time was had by all! Enjoy the slides!
Snorkeling at Shark's Cove
Eric and I went with Beth one day in August to Shark's cove, a rocky cove on the North Shore, where the snorkeling is great! That is, if the surf is down.....we didn't get to go out over the deep water because the surf was pretty rough that day, so we just hung around the rocks in the shallow area. Although the water wasn't as clear as we had hoped, we got some pretty cool pics and got to try out our underwater case for our camera. We think it turned out okay! Enjoy!

Here is the state fish, a Humuhumunukunukuapua'a (or you can just call it a trigger fish!)


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