Yes, I know it may sound strange to want to go to Mississippi for Spring Break when we live in Hawaii, but it's true! Plus with Eric leaving for his deployment during that time, I just wanted to be around family and friends for support and distraction! As you can see, when the girls and I were flying home, I had 2 very tired little traveling companions with me!

One thing we were most excited about going on this trip was to meet our new nephew/cousin, Tripp. He was 9 weeks old when we first met him, and he is sooooo sweet! Emerson loved helping out with him in any way she could....sometimes she was a little too much help!

We went to Vicksburg to visit with Eric's parents before he left and the girls got to enjoy the new playpark down by the river, Catfish Row. They had lots of fun!

Our attempt at a family picture before Eric left. We even let Chelsea get involved!

Emerson, Macie, and baby Tripp

Eric's last night before he left (bright and early at 6:18am!!) He wanted to get the girls something to "remember" him by, so he got them each a piece of jewelry. He got Emerson a little necklace with a heart shaped charm on it, and she wears it ALL the time. He got Macie a bracelet with a heart on it. She doesn't really know what to do with hers but she knows it's from Daddy. Hopefully it will help them not miss their Daddy as much during these next 8 months!