To try to take advantage of all Hawaii has to offer, we have decided to try to do a fun thing with the girls on Saturdays. Last Saturday we went on a Glass bottom boat tour, sponsored by the Tickets & Tours office on base. The tour was pretty fun and not too long, so the girls didn't get too antsy! We drove to Kaneohe Bay (on the Windward, or East side, of the island) on the AF bus....very bumpy ride.....where we boarded the glass bottom boat. The actual "glass bottom" was in the little holes in the middle of the rows of seats. After we got out on the reef and saw some fish, we got to go up on the deck and throw bread out to the fish and see them from the top, too. We waited around to see if any turtles would come up, but we only saw a couple from far away. They never got close enough to the boat to really see them. Anyway, a good time was had by all!

Macie trying to figure out what in the world we're looking at!
No fish in this picture, but you can see the water & the reef & see how close we were to the reef.
Emerson throwing bread to the fish!
Even though most every day in Hawaii is BEAUTIFUL, this day was a little overcast. It was raining in the mountains, but luckily we only had a few sprinkles!