Friday, September 7, 2007

Macie's 10 month tricks

Much like her sister at this age.....Macie is getting into EVERYTHING! She found a box of Kleenex, LOVES climbing up and into the dishwasher, especially if there is water on the door to splash around in...even better if it's Emerson's chocolate milk dripping from the top rack...I don't actually let her play in the milk, but Macie sure tries hard to get to it before I can move her away!
She's trying to stand up...I swear, she is just going to get up and walk away one day very soon! She started clapping on her own this week (sorry, so pictures yet....maybe soon!) and playing patty-cake when you start saying it....and just like Emerson did, she rushes to the "Throw them in the pan!" part, because throwing your hands up in the air and falling on your back is so much more fun than just clapping! Hopefully there will be pictures to follow (soon) of her new tricks!

1 comment:

Mama Duck said...

That is the best pose Macie Claire Sumo wrestler!!! What fun she is having