Sunday, October 14, 2007

We've got a Walker!

Okay, so this video shows Macie at her her diaper, belly hanging out, going as fast as she can for the bottle, passy flying out of her mouth and squatting with the grace of the best Sumo wrestlers out there! We shot this the first weekend she was walking and now she has really got the hang of it. You can't stop her from walking! It is the cutest thing. Oh, and she did cut a tooth about a week before she started walking, but we can't seem to get a good picture of it. So, she barely had a tooth before she started walking! And yes, it is still a singular tooth, no teeth just yet!


teknopr1nce55 said...

she TOTALLY looks like Maggie Simpson... and that makes me proud as an aunt because i really like the Simpsons. can't believe you guys are about to celebrate big birthday week.

wow... love love.

teknopr1nce55 said...

drinking and walking... did she get that from you, whitney?

Jeana said...

Oh my goodness look at her!! HOW CUTE!!
I'm totally jealous, Brody isn't walking yet and really showing no interest. We're working on him though, HA!!
What is your email address? I lost it.