b/c it SURE doesn't feel like it! Here are some pics from us starting to get the house all spiffed up for Christmas. And, just like we were surprised with the pumpkins, there are pretty good Christmas trees to be had here in Hawaii. At K-Mart, even! (yes, I think we are the only part of the country who still has K-Mart!) Here we are bringing the tree into the house.......note the giant tropical plants on either side of the entrance....kind of hard for you to think it's Christmas too, huh?

Emerson hanging the first ornament on the tree. We wanted Macie to get in on the action, too, but she went to bed early that night. And, after thinking about it, it was probably better that we didn't let the one year old help!

This is Macie's contribution before she went to bed that night.....playing with the lights. Don't worry, they're not plugged in!

Emerson's tree in her room. She decorated it mostly all by herself. Just a little coaching here and there from Daddy! Oh, and the bandages on her feet are just for play...she saw Eric with his ankle wrapped after he ran, and of course, she had to be just like him!

Macie enjoying her Christmas tree in her room. She actually did help put some balls on it, and she took them off, and put them on, and took them off.....

Emerson and I got a "snow day" off from school and work after some bad storms came through one night and did a lot of damage to the area. So, we made Candy cane cookies. They were very very yummy!

And yet again, I forgot to edit the pic and rotate it (oops). Keep checking back for more pics from the Christmas Season!!!