By now, most of you have seen our Christmas Card picture for this year. The idea came from my Mom, who had seen a picture of a sand Christmas tree on a card and relayed the idea to me. Perfect, right? Not if the wind is blowing like a cyclone and your 4 year old, who was woken up from her nap to take the picture, is not cooperating in the least. The one year old wants to just sit and play in the sand, in her brand new white dress... Our tree builder (Eric) had arrived about 30 minutes before I did with the girls so he could have the tree ready for the photo shoot, but the waves kept creeping in on his creation and sending it our to sea! And, just as we started to get some decent pictures, the batteries started dying !!! Oh, well......Here are some of the outtakes......hope you can laugh with us!

Hi guys!
I love the pictures of the girls. Of course no one knows how much chaos reigns over the perfect picture and then, sometimes it just presents itself without fuss or muss! But, well done and lovely!!!
Next posting we need some pics of the mom and dad too! LOL
I have some pharmacy questions for you guys when you get a chance.
Love to all!
Amy Nicholls
What an adorable picture of the girls on the beach. It looks like it could be on post card. Hope you all are enjoying Hawaii. Is it as wonderful as you thought it would be?
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