Friday, February 22, 2008

A hike on the end of the Earth....

Well, it's on the eastern shore of the island, anyway! We took a hike to see the Makapu'u lighthouse on the Windward side of the island on Monday, since we had the day off for President's Day. Here we are at the bottom of the hill, getting ready to go straight to the top. Luckily we got to take a lot of breaks on the way up....there are a TON of whales on that side of the island , and they were very very active, giving us lots to see!

Emerson the explorer is all set to go with her binoculars in hand to see all the whales! (How cute does she look?)

I think she's spotted something waaaaaaaaaay out in the ocean! (or maybe not!)

There's the lighthouse, and our explorers! We still have a little way to go before we reach the top of the mountain. The lighthouse is not all the way at the top (like we thought), but rather sits nestled on the side of the mountain!

Here's Emerson at the very top. Mommy and Macie are down on the flatter part of the top having a snack and letting Macie air out after sitting in the stroller in the hot sun for the walk up. Wish we had more pics to share, but in true fashion, the camera decided not to work. I guess we should be thankful we got as many pics as we did! It usually likes to die at the beginning of an adventure! We can add this trip to our tour for any adventurers that want to experience it! Let us know!

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