Sunday, March 30, 2008

Easter Fun

Emerson was really excited about coloring eggs this year. She did a really good job, and only a couple of eggs got broken. Next year will probably be a different story because Miss Macie will likely be involved!

Easter Sunday. I FINALLY finished Emerson's ladybug dress just in time for Easter. I didn't intend for it to be her Easter dress, especially since I cut it out last January before we moved! I just happened to finish it right before Easter, and since I didn't find anything that I liked any better, let her wear it! We also dressed Macie up in her dress, but couldn't let her go to church because she was getting over the Chicken Pox! (It was a really mild case, so she never really felt bad, we just had to quarantine her until all the pox were crusted/ moms know the drill!) Anyway we had to get pics of both girls because they both looked sooooo cute!

While Eric and Emerson went to church, Macie and I stayed home and cooked Easter Dinner. She happened upon a Recee's Peanut Butter Egg (that I thought I had picked up), unwrapped it, and proceeded to take a big ole' bite out of the end of it! I think she liked it, because after I strapped her in her highchair to finish, there wasn't a whole lot to clean up!

We had an egg hunt in our back yard for the girls before we had Easter Dinner. I think they had a pretty good time getting to find all the eggs themselves, and not having to share with others!

Showing off their new bunnies from Mr. James and Ms. Beth!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Recent, Random Pics of the girls

I don't know where we took this picture, but it sure is a cute picture of Macie!

Macie's new favorite toy is the little car. She will go in the back yard and just sit in it. Doesn't even have to be going anywhere, is just content to sit! Luckily, I can see her from the kitchen window and don't have to be supervising!

We are going to try to enjoy eating outside more often. We enjoyed having grilled hot dogs on Good Friday. Where else can you grill, wear shorts, and eat outside almost any day of the year? One of the few perks of living in Hawaii!

Trying to get a cute pic of the girls before church one Sunday morning. Macie looked like such a big girl in that halter dress! It's so difficult to get both of them to look at the camera at the same time!

Emerson's new digs

We finally finished Emerson's room a couple of Sunday evenings ago. We were pretty proud of the way her grass skirt bedskirt and window treatment came out. And no, for all you family members out there, no animals were injured, in any way in the trimming of the grass skirt (Lynda). Ha! We couldn't stop laughing about the "incident" that occurred the last time a grass skirt bedskirt was attempted by someone in our family!
And, I think Emerson enjoys her new, finished bedroom, too!

Church Easter Picnic

We went to our church's annual Easter picnic a couple of weekends ago. The girls really had a good time and the park was way up in the mountains and had lots of trees and was cool. Not at all what you would expect in Hawaii!
Emerson and her friend Hannah enjoying playing with their new bubbles!

Macie going on her first Easter egg hunt. It didn't take long for her to get the hang of putting eggs in her basket!

Emerson, Hannah, and Ryland waiting their turn to hunt eggs.

Emerson's turn!

Macie and Daddy enjoying their chocolate cupcakes ...maybe a little too much!

Both my girls! Aren't they the cutest?